Frequently Asked Questions
We have put together some answers to the common questions that we are asked.
Are there specific categories for entry to the Awards Scheme?
Projects can be entered into the following categories:
- Civic Trust Awards "Standard" (an individual building, structure or space) eg a library, office, restaurant, community centre.
- Civic Trust Awards "Large/Multi-Use Projects" (multiple buildings,use classes, structures or spaces on one site by the same architecture practice) eg housing development, university campus.
- Pro-Tem Awards (for temporary projects or installations)
- AABC Conservation Awards
PLEASE NOTE: It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that you have entered your project into the correct category. Should your project be entered into the incorrect category, then it will be deemed unsuccessful.
Can I enter my project into both the Civic Trust Awards and AABC Conservation Awards?
Yes, If your project is both new build and conservation, you can enter it in both the Civic Trust Awards and AABC Conservation Awards. Your project would then be eligible to win in both categories. Separate applications would need to be entered and 2 application fees paid. Recent winners in both categories are Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings by Fielden Clegg Bradley, Westminster Abbey Triforium Project by Ptolemy Dean Architects & MUMA and The Painted Hall by Hugh Broughton Architects.
Can I submit multiple buildings or structures of different types/use classes under one application?
Yes, we have a category for Large/Muti-Use projects should your practice wish to submit a scheme of this type into the Civic Trust Awards for consideration.
These can be developments that contain two or more main buildings, structures or spaces on one site and developed as a single entity, eg housing developments, university campus, mixed-use public realm, infrastructure projects etc
Projects must be fully completed, including any landscaping or ancillary works and be designed by the same architecture practice/design team.
There is no limit on the number of buildings, structures or spaces that can be included within this application. The applicant must state the number of buildings, structures or spaces that are to be judged on the submission and provide clear information and supporting documents and photographs.
If various architects have worked on the project, then they are responsible for entering the elements of the project that they are responsible for and cannot submit under one Large/Multi-Use entry.
The buildings/spaces must all be on one site and not in multiple locations around a town/city.
Assessment Teams visiting the scheme must be able to fully assess all completed elements of the project, both internal and external, included within the application.
If Assessors decide that the scheme cannot be fully assessed due to the incomplete nature of the scheme or any adjacent works, then the entry would be considered unsuccessful. In such instances, resubmission will be permitted the following year (additional application fee payable).
The entry fee for a Large/Multi-Use application is £650 +VAT. Should you prefer to submit individual elements of a Multi-Use scheme under separate entries, the Standard application fee of £250 +VAT per entry will apply.
N.B. We do not accept masterplans.
Do I need to complete all sections of the application?
Yes, each section makes up the key criteria to support a successful entry. We strongly recommend that you consult with your Access Consultant when completing the Universal Design Section.
Can I make reference to my architecture practice or organisations involved in the entry?
To ensure judging is blind and remains completely impartial, please DO NOT make reference to your practice or any organisation involved in the project within the written text elements of the entry. This includes Scheme Overview, Scheme Details, Sustainability, Universal Design and Community Impact/Engagement sections. Failure to comply with this request is not considered favourably.
What are the word/character limits on the application?
For the Scheme Description, Sustainability, Universal Design and Community Impact/Engagement sections of the application form, the character limit is 5000 characters per section.
For Pro-Tem and AABC Conservation entries the character limit is 5000 per section, plus an additional 5000 for Pro-Tem Details and 10000 for Conservation Details.
All character limits include spaces, commas, full stops and other special characters.
All organisations involved in the project should be credited and spelled correctly in the “Credits” section of the submission. This includes a point of contact, email address and social media accounts for each organisation.
Credited organisations, as listed on the entry at the time of submission, will appear in the Commemorative Winners Brochure and on Certificates and the Civic Trust Awards website should the project be successful.
It is the responsibility of the applicant at the time of entry and not the Civic Trust Awards to ensure that credits are complete and spelled correctly.
Can I submit phased projects?
Yes, as long as the phase is on one site and is fully completed in terms of landscaping, parking etc and the determination of the projects success will not be impacted by ongoing works.
Can I resubmit a project that has been entered previously and was unsuccessful?
If a project was considered unsuccessful due to its incomplete nature, or if there were access issues or other problems which resulted in difficulties when undertaking the assessment visit, it may be possible to resubmit the entry. Please email us to discuss resubmission.
Can I enter a private house?
Whilst it is possible to enter a private residence to the Civic Trust Awards or AABC Conservation Awards, in addition to architectural merit, our assessment criteria also considers issues such as sustainability, access and community impact and engagement. Successful applications must demonstrate how they meet these criteria.
Can I enter projects from overseas?
Yes, we are delighted to receive entries from all over the world. This is not limited to UK practices working abroad, overseas practices/organisations can also submit their projects to us for consideration. Recent international winners include Bokšto Skveras in Vilnius, Lithuania by Seilern Architects & UAB Archinova and REWE Green Farming in Wiesbaden, Germany by ACME
What are the eligibility dates for completion of schemes?
For 2025 entries, schemes completed between 1st September 2020 and 1st September 2024 are eligible to apply. If your completion date falls outside this window, it still may be possible to enter. Please email us for more details.
How many images can I submit? What is the maximum size of images?
Up to 20 images for Standard entries and 30 images for Large/Multi-Use entries can be submitted in support of each application and uploaded to the online application system.
Each image should be no larger than 5MB in size. Images supplied at application stage are used for production of the winners’ brochure and on the Civic Trust Awards website.
Photos must be supplied in high resolution JPEG format (not PDF or TIFF) within the max 5MB limit. All photos must be clean images (free from borders, notes, text etc) and must not be a picture collage.
Supporting images should include:
Context Photos - Photos of the completed scheme taken from a distance are essential from at least two viewpoints to demonstrate the context in which the scheme fits within its surroundings (max file size 5MB per image).
Scheme Photos - both external and internal photos should be selected to give a sense of the project and provide viewpoints from multiple elevations. Photos of specific detailing or materials should only be provided where these are essential to the judging process (max file size 5MB per image).
As the Civic Trust Awards celebrate the positive impact that projects have had on the community they serve and their users, photos should show the scheme completed and in use. These images are used for production of the winners’ brochure, on the Civic Trust Awards website and on social media.
Before Photos - for buildings/schemes that have undergone restoration, conservation or reuse/adaptation, these elements must be clearly identified within the application materials submitted.
Before and after images can be included within the multiple page “Reuse/Adaptation Projects PDF” uploaded in the supporting documents section of the online application system. These images will not be used on the website or in the winners brochure.
DO NOT INCLUDE ANY SPECIAL CHARACTERS OR SYMBOLS when labelling/crediting images, as this will corrupt the file, for example © @
Images should be numbered 1 - 20 (or 30 for Large/Multi-Use Projects) with the name of the photographer and a simple description on each
E.g. 1 New Temple Front Elevation by Rory Gardiner
Applicants are also encouraged to provide a short video (max 1 minute) of the scheme. A link to the video (hosted on YouTube or similar platform) should be included as part of your application.
Can I submit plans and cross sections of the project?
Your application must be accompanied by the following supporting documentation and uploaded as part of your submission. PDFs of the drawings/plans are made available to assessors and National Judging Panel to view online:
Site Context Plan (Multiple Page PDF format, file size 5MB max) Please include a site plan of the scheme of sufficient scale to show the site in relation to streetscape and surrounding buildings.
Plans and Cross Sections (Multiple Page PDF format, file size 5MB max) Must be AS CONSTRUCTED drawings and at suitable scale to view online.
For landscaping or public realm projects, a plan showing scheme layout/scheme details can be included.
Accessibility/Universal Design: As constructed plans/drawings identifying specific accessible features is also encouraged where appropriate.Landscaping Plan (Multiple Page PDF format, file size 5MB max) For landscaping schemes, public realm projects, or where hard/soft landscaping forms part of the application, a plan showing scheme layout/scheme details should be included.
AABC Conservation and Reuse/Adaptation Projects (Multiple Page PDF format, file size 5MB max) If the scheme is a Reuse/Adaption project, restoration, extension or conversion, or for AABC Conservation Awards entries, before and after plans should be submitted and clearly labelled in this section. Additions/extensions should be marked in red for clarity.
Before and after pictures can also be included within this multiple page PDF which will be used for judging purposes only and not for production of the winners brochure
These do not need to be A4/A3 size as assessors will view these documents on screen and can zoom into certain elements of the document.
Can I send additional information to support my application such as literature, DVD’s etc?
No, we do not accept additional literature to accompany your application (such as reports, news articles etc) in hard copy as assessors and judges need to be able to view all documents online.
Can I pay my entry fee over the phone?
No. Entry fees must be paid via the online assessment centre using a credit/debit card at the time of submission. Discounts of £100 will be applied to each entry submitted by a Civic Trust Awards member organisation or practice. To become a Member, please CLICK THIS LINK
Is there a discount to application fees for charities, community groups or not-for-profit organisations?
Unfortunately, as a not-for-profit organisation ourselves, we need to cover the cost of the administration of the Civic Trust Awards and as such, are unable to offer further discounts on the application fee unless you are a member of the Civic Trust Awards. Membership details can be found here
Can someone from the architecture practice be there during the assessment visit?
In order to keep the judging and assessment process impartial, we DO NOT require anyone from the architecture practice to be present during the assessment visit. We ask that access provision (where necessary) is provided by someone who is based at the scheme or the client. Our assessors do not require a formal presentation of the scheme, but do require access to all elements that form part of the application, both internal and external.
Are all schemes visited?
Where possible, projects are visited by our assessors during September and October as part of the fist stage assessment process. However, for international entries and in some areas of the UK where schemes are remote (or no local assessment team is available), a thorough desk assessment of these projects by members of our National Judging Panel will be conducted in leiu of the assessment visit. For International Civic Trust Awards entries, the applicant must also submit two citations from locally accredited community or local authority organisations outlining their support of the project. Clear drawings and photographs showing the context and before and after images are also essential.
When do we hear if we’ve been short listed?
If projects have been considered successful at the first stage assessment, they are considered to be “Regional Finalists” and will be notified in November if they have been put forward to the second tier assessment. The National Judging Panel then review all “Regional Finalists” to determine the final list of National (& International) Winners. Applicants will then be notified a second time in January whether they have been successful Nationally/Internationally, with the level of awards revealed at the Awards Ceremony in March.
When and where is the Award Ceremony?
The 2025 Awards Ceremony will take place in March 2025 - date and venue tbc. This is a black tie event, with drinks reception, dinner and the presentation of Awards, Highly Commended and Special Award winners revealed.
Tickets will be available to purchase by all winning organisations on a first come first served basis. The event is always a sell-out, so we recommend purchasing tickets as soon as you are notified that you are a winner.